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Open Your Mind for an Upcoming Open House!

We've heard a lot of different rumors regarding the New Millstadt Library and our Annexation Referendum, here are two popular ones;

1)The Village of Millstadt funds the Library

- Village of Millstadt residents fund the library through their taxes. Their taxes go to St. Clair County. St. Clair County sends tax money to the Village, they disseminate our share - or at least they did until we became a district. As a District Library, St. Clair County will send us funds directly.

2) Voting for the annexation of the Library District annexes you into the Village of Millstadt

- It does nothing but annexes the properties of those who live within Millstadt School District 160 and are currently unserved by a neighboring library. These properties will only be asked to take on an additional tax to support their portion of library services which is about $95 on a $200,000 house. For anyone inside the Village of Millstadt, the annexation doesn't affect you at all, except for the fact that if it is successful, you would be able to have a new library with a community space and expanded services and a larger collection of resources.

Coming up later this month is YOUR chance to get YOUR questions answered at our Open House. February 24 or March 24 are both great opportunities to stop by and find out updates about both projects going on at your library.

In fact, come by anytime and we'll answer your questions. If you live within Village limits, you're already paying for your library, so you should use it!

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